Renowned Designer Rohit Verma gives a glimpse of his new collection 'Indradhanush' with Ankita Lokhande and Vikas Jain

Renowned Designer Rohit Verma gives a glimpse of his new collection 'Indradhanush' with Ankita Lokhande and Vikas Jain

Esteemed fashion designer Rohit Verma is set to captivate the fashion world once again with his latest collection titled 'Indradhanush'. This unique and innovative collection marks a new milestone in Verma's illustrious career, showcasing his unparalleled creativity and vision.

Joining forces with Verma for this exciting project are the stunning couple of the moment actress Ankita Lokhande and Vikas Jain. Together, they bring a unique blend of elegance and style to the forefront, perfectly embodying the spirit of 'Indradhanush'.

"Where we bring the different Color’s and fabrics from different parts of india to showcase a collection that talks and celebrates our culture diversity and our harmony. We celebrate you - we celebrate who we are. We celebrate the empowerment of women and gender-diverse individuals, breaking stereotypes and fostering inclusivity. Join us in the journey towards a brighter, more equitable future, where every facet of equality blends seamlessly. Together, let's bridge disparities and create a balanced society where unique strengths and voices contribute to a vibrant tapestry of harmony” Rohit Verma 

A theme that mirrors the purity of the color white, symbolizing gender equality. Just as white combines all colors harmoniously, this theme envisions a society where all genders unite with equal rights, opportunities, and respect


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